Morgan Montanez, M.A.

Project Manager

Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
WSU Research Park
P.O. Box 641801
1615 NE Eastgate Blvd, Suite F
Pullman, Washington 99164-1801

Morgan is a PhD Candidate in the department of Sociology as well as a Project Manager with the SESRC who specializes in qualitative research and analysis (in-depth interviews, focus groups, ethnography, participatory action research) as well as pick-up/drop off, in-person, and mail survey research and mixed-method research design. Morgan is an alumni of the SESRC Research Design Clinic where she gained experience working on SESRC client projects across a number of disciplines since the fall of 2018 and now is an advisor for current clinic members. Morgan has a MA from Oregon State University in Applied Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Rural Studies (2017) and received her BA from the University of Colorado, Denver in Cultural Anthropology (2014).